Positive Attitude, The Secret Weapon for Better Health
It’s easy to see how being happy, upbeat and optimistic can make you fun to be around and a good friend, but did you know that a positive attitude can actually help you to be healthier? In a recent article published by the Mayo Clinic, a clear relationship is drawn between positive mental attitude and […]
Lifestyle Choices Make All The Difference
Dear Patient and Friend, There’s a reason why America spends more money on health care than any other country, yet the overall health in the US lags behind dozens of other developed countries. At present, America ranks 37th in overall health, a surprisingly low position, especially in spite of the massive expenditures pointed toward treating […]
Life Exercises
Every so often push your luck. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed. Never give up on anybody; miracles happen every day. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. Learn to listen. Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures. Don’t expect others to listen to your advice and ignore your […]
Closing Thoughts… Lifetime Resolutions
No one ever gets out of this world alive. Resolve therefore to maintain a good sense of values. Take care of yourself. Good health is everyone’s major source of wealth. Without it, happiness is virtually impossible. Resolve to be cheerful and helpful. What you give to the world comes back to you. Resolve to listen […]
Making Promises
Making a promise is a very powerful action to take. Many times during our lives, we are asked to make promises to do certain things. For example, at age 16, we receive a driver’s license that requires us to make a commitment to obey the laws of the road. If we fail to obey these […]
All About Gout
In the late 1980’s I worked as a real estate sales director for a firm in Helen, Georgia, and I was the understudy of one Mr. Richard “Dick” Etherton. He was in his late 70’s, very chauvinistic, and a member of the “Old School.” I never really figured out just what the Old School was, […]