Why Take Care Of Your Spine?

Most people want to be as healthy as possible. Some think it’s luck, some think it’s genetics, some think it’s for someone else besides themselves. But what most people don’t realize is that there is a way to improve the quality of your health, by following some simple, logical guidelines, which improve your chances of […]

Understanding Chiropractic

Being a practicing chiropractor for many years, I have the opportunity to meet a wide variety of people everyday.  When patients enter my office on their initial visit, they enter with certain symptoms as well as very specific expectations of what it is they want to accomplish.  Most commonly, they present with back pain, neck […]

Your Body And Your Automobile

What do our body and our automobile have in common?  Our body and our car have very complex operating systems that we take for granted and infrequently think about unless something goes wrong.  Years ago, you may have learned to drive a car with a manual gearshift, which was located either in the steering column […]

Bedwetting & Nocturnal Enuresis

Few issues present more embarrassment for children and more frustration for parents than nocturnal enuresis, or night-time bedwetting.  For children it becomes quite a social burden when they are old enough to be invited to sleepover parties only to dodge the invitation due to possible bed-wetting problems.  Some children even go so far as to […]